Dikky Vendetta (NL)

(Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Starting his residency for the funky cocktail bar Arc in 2004, he wasn’t just playing records but creating a vibe and ambiance different from what people had heard before.
It didn’t take long before club promoters asked him to participate in major gay events in Amsterdam and beyond. He started to play at parties such as Salvation Amsterdam, Taboo, Juice, Real T-dance and Cockring. And it didn’t stop playing at some major gay events all over Europe. Since 2007 he is a member of the La Demence family together with Elias and Ben Manson, responsible for the uplifting and sexy vibe that fills the upstairs room. Sexy vocalicious groovin music is no better way to start the night away when he is behind the decks, taking the people with him on a musical journey as the night moves on. With some interesting projects coming up in the near future together with his good dj friend Antoine De La Cruz, he is sure to look out for!