


from Paris (duration 1h24)
from Amsterdam (duration 1h53)
from London (duration 2h01)

The party is situated at a 5 minutes walk from
“Gare du Midi/ Zuidstation” (train station)



€ 3 € for 24h (Weekend tariff)

valid from Friday at 20:00 till Tuesday at 07:00 am,
with FREE SHUTTLE service (5 min.)
between the parking and the entrance of Fuse club

Parking Porte de Hal
Boulevard de Waterloo 103 – Waterloolaan 103
1000 Brussels
Map and more info



Coming from Lille-Kortrijk/Courtrai-Gent (E 40 Gent-Brussels)

once you reach the end of the highway, you go straight ahead: Brussel-Koekelberg
once at Koekelberg’s church you go to the right, into the tunnels
follow the tunnels for a very long time until you come to the exit Hallepoort/Porte de Halle, which you take
go straight ahead to the 3rd traffic lights and try to park your car there on the parking on the right side
The Blaesstraat is the street on your right handside, but as it is a one-way street you have to do the last 150 m on foot.

Coming from Antwerp-Holland (E19 Antwerp-Brussels)

Once you pass exit Vilvoorde (near the end of the highway), go to the right, direction Gent
Take exit Brussel-Koekelberg
Straight ahead up until Koekelberg’s church and to the right into the tunnels
Follow the tunnels for a very long time until you come to the exit Hallepoort/Porte de Halle, which you take
Go straight ahead to the 3rd traffic lights and try to park your car there on the parking on the right side
The Blaesstraat is the street on your right handside but as it is a one-way street you have to do the last 150m on foot.

Coming from Koln-Liege-Hasselt-Leuven (E40 Liege/Luik-Brussels)

At the end of the highway, follow direction Centrum/Centre
Once you are out of the tunnel, always straight ahead until you arrive at the crossroad with a big boulevard, where you turn left (Boulevard du Régent)
go into the tunnels, follow the tunnels until you come to the exit Hallepoort/Porte de Halle, which you take
Go straight ahead to the 3rd traffic lights and try to park you car there on the parking on the right handside
The Blaesstraat is the street on you right handside but as it is a one-way street you have to do the last 150m on foot.



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